How To Change Portal Account Owner
At some point, you may wish to change the portal staff account which is the "super user" (account owner). This is the only account that can make certain changes like plan upgrades, cancellation, and changing who the account owner is.
There are two places where you can affect this change.
Settings... Account owner
Navigate to the main settings page. Scroll down to the last section and look for the button/link that says "Account Owner". Only the current account owner can see this option.
Select the staff user to elevate to Account Owner, and then click "Save". Once you affect the change, your session will no longer have "account owner" permissions.
Staff Management Page
You can also set the "account owner" from the staff management page. This option is not available to any user except the current account owner.
From the user's menu, click the option to "Elevate to Super User (portal account owner)". Once you confirm the change, the new account owner will be set. Your session will no longer have account owner permissions.