Can I talk to someone on the phone?

We do not currently offer phone support or pre-sales phone calls. However, we will occasionally schedule a call when there's no reasonable way to resolve an issue without that mode of communication.

Why does GoToMyAccounts not offer phone support or pre-sales calls?

  • Our clients are located worldwide and we have found that it is far more efficient to provide communication channels that do not require both parties to synchronize to a specific event such as a scheduled phone call. 
  • We offer a wide array of help and onboarding articles and videos which can answer most pre-sales questions.
  • In cases where there's a question that has not been answered in our Knowledge Base, feel free to ask those questions via our support channels. We will answer you promptly.
  • Commonly unanswered questions are added to our FAQ or other Knowledge Base categories.
  • We offer a free trial, so there is no financial risk with signup and testing.

We do understand that your investment in time to test and evaluate GoToMyAccounts is real. As such, we strive to keep our Knowledge Base as up to date as possible so that we are not wasting valuable time during your evaluation and testing phase.

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